Moonlight Ponderings

Lynn's thoughts on life.

Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Not much has been going on around here for the past couple of days. Just working, eating and sleeping, then starting all over again. Yada, yada, yada.

On a happier note, I just finished booking flights to go home to visit my family again. We'll be leaving on March 26 and will be in the US until April 11. I'm really excited about it! Just a little worried about the tickets as they're e-tickets this time. Anyone else used Expedia? Or had e-tickets? Have you had any problems with them? I'd really appreciate any reassurance anyone could give me!

Well, I guess I need to head to bed now. Another long day starts again very early tomorrow. Whoo.....back to the h*ll whole I call work!

Sunday, February 22, 2004

So I thought I would try something a bit different. This way I don't have to continually change my graphics and I'm more inclined to actually post, lol!

My back is much better, thanks to all who asked :) Spent two days off work and felt much better for that, but hated it that much worse when I had to go back. I'm not really looking forward to tomorrow, but I know I have to go in and just try to make the best of it and work through it.

No word from the job I had applied for and interviews are tomorrow, so I don't guess I got short-listed. Well, I'll just keep applying for other jobs.

Off to make some cards now. I've sort of started a mini business making handmade cards. People are just snatching them up! I hope to add a place online soon to take orders. Will hopefully start that up soon!

I'll be around to visit everyone sometime soon!