Moonlight Ponderings

Lynn's thoughts on life.

Sunday, March 21, 2004

Right, everyone will have to forgive me for this, but I'm about to have a good ole' rant. I'm sick to death of what I've been hearing in the news and on other people's blogs lately about the whole war and terrorist attacks. Normally I keep my mouth shut, but not anymore. Its time I stand up and speak my mind. I'm sure there are lots of people I consider to be friends who will disagree with me and some who may not speak to me again after this, but if that's the case, then they weren't friends in the first place.

Everyone is going on and on about how the terrorist attacks that happened in Spain this last week would not have happened had the Spanish government not supported the war in Iraq last year. That's bullshit! The Spanish people then voted out their government and, while I'll be the first to admit I have no right to criticize their choice of government since I've never lived there, I do find it disgraceful the way that they've been all apologetic to the terrorists, saying that they didn't want to support the war, their government went against their will. Wake up people!!!!! The attacks would have happened had you supported the war or not!!!!!!!! These maniacs are TERRORISTS!! They don't do things fairly! Don't apologize to them for their actions! They are the ones who choose to destroy innocent lives!

I fully supported (and still support) the war in Iraq. I think it was the only possible course of action. Now I know a lot of you will disagree with me and that's fine. That's your right. But its my right to feel the way I feel. And I think that the actions taken by George Bush and Tony Blair (on this matter at least) were the correct ones. I don't think they made a bad decision about going after Suddam Hussein. We vote these people in as our leaders on the assumption that they have more facts than we do and, most of the time, more sense to make these decisions. I don't trust half of the world's population to be smart enough to make the decisions because I feel most people are idiots. I for one am glad that Iraq is now without its tyrannical leader. I feel safer when I go to sleep at night, not fearing when he may attack (because I fully believe he would have, given time).

Yes, I do fear that there will be more terrorist attacks, but, unlike most people, I don't plan to bow down to the terrorists. I don't plan on apologizing for things that have happened that I support and I don't plan on acting as though I or my fellow countrymen have done anything wrong, because we haven't.

If you don't support freedom, then you support terrorism. There is no way around it. You're either for the free world and whatever it takes to make it that way, or you're for terrorism and the people who create it. And those people are not the American or the English or the former Spanish governments.

Now having said that, if you support freedom that's fantastic. If you support terrorism, then I have no time for you.

On a lighter note, Rich and I will be off on our holiday later this week!

Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Even more fun from Sarah's blog (who originally got it from Erin)

My very British name is Chloe Wilkinson.
Take The Very British Name Generator today!
Created with Rum and Monkey's Name Generator Generator.

Oooh, just found this on Jennie's site:

How well do you know Lynn?
Ooops, I've been a bad blogger again! Anyway, I'm back today! Not much happening here. Rich's 28th birthday is tomorrow. Haven't bought him anything that he doesn't know about, so I might have to be sneaky and pick something up during the day tomorrow. Not sure what though. Any ideas?

Just a couple of weeks now til we go to the US! I'm really looking forward to it! I know it hasn't been that long since we were there before, but it feels like its been a lot longer. I'm looking forward to seeing my Mom and Dad. Also to seeing my nieces, sister and brother.

Made a few more cards and sold them. I'm hoping to have enough together by the end of May to have a stall on our local market one weekend. Shall have to see how things are going.

Oooh, Rich and I discovered a fantastically silly show last night! Some of you from the US may have already seen it as its one of the reality shows from the US. Normally I probably wouldn't like it, but I'm just finding it loads of fun to laugh at and it does have its good moments. Its called "Paradise Hotel". Great fun! Anyone who's seen it, DON'T TELL ME WHAT HAPPENS!!!!!

See you folks later! Toodles!